Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Singaporean review! On this shiok Sunday, I’m chronicling my experience of undergoing an online Zoom perfume workshop from local fragrance label, Scent by Six.

Scent by SIX is one of my favourite local fragrance label. I reviewed a couple of their perfumes previously – if you haven’t already yet done so, you can read the review here.
Scent by Six – Zoom Perfume Workshop
In response to the current COVID-19 precautionary measures (whereby only 4 people are allowed in their physical store at any point of time), Scent by Six launched their online Zoom Perfume Workshop, whereby participants can experience the hands-on joy of creating their own perfume from the comfort of their own homes. When I heard about this, I was immensely intrigued – I don’t think there’s any other local perfume brands that do online workshops. I found the concept innovative, and immediately got in touch with Scent by Six to arrange a session.

Prior to the Zoom session, I was first sent a DIY Kit from Scent by Six. As seen from the photo above, the DIY kit comprised of three 10ml bottles of ingredients (Top, Mid, and Dry), three pipettes, multiple smelling strips, and a 10ml perfume bottle that will contain your final creation.
Zac – Manager of Scent by Six – was my facilitator for the online workshop. As the perfume workshop was conducted over Zoom, I decided to record the session, and edited it into a simple video. If you’re interested in how an online perfume workshop by Scent by Six is like, do check out the Youtube video above! It’s a tad long, but that’s because I didn’t want to do Scent by Six a disservice by cutting out essential portions of the workshop. Despite its length, I’m sure the online workshop would be intriguing to fragrance lovers.

For those interested in the perfume workshop (either online or in-person), you can email Scent by Six at hello@scentbysix.com and include “WAHSOSHIOK” in the subject line to enjoy the workshop at a special price of $44 (U.P $49)! Personally, I think that’s a really affordable way to get into perfume creation. It’s also worth noting that workshops from other homegrown perfume brands cost significantly more – Scent by Six is probably the most affordable perfume workshop available locally.

And if you’re interested in any of Scent by Six’s perfumes, you still can use the promo code “WAHSOSHIOK” to enjoy 10% off all of their perfumes online! I previously reviewed the Ujong 2065 (pictured above) and the Biei – you can read that review here.
View Scent by Six’s full range of offerings here.
SIX’s Physical Location:
Bugis Junction, 100 Victoria St, #01-15, Singapore 188021.
P.S Do check out the new “Discounts!” page for exclusive discounts for Wahsoshiok readers! More brands will be added very soon – stay tuned.
P.S.S If you haven’t already, do follow my social media channels on Facebook here, and on Instagram here!
P.S.S.S Shiok is a common word Singaporeans use to express admiration or approval. As of 2016, you can find the definition of the word in the Oxford English Dictionary.