Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Singaporean article! On this shiok Sunday, I’m shining a spotlight on the local stationary purveyor, Cityluxe.

When I first started Wah So Shiok, it was to shine a spotlight on noteworthy local efforts. In many ways, the content that I put out still reflects that ethos, though along the way I have started to work with larger, sometimes international brands. However, today I want to go back to the roots of Wah So Shiok’s mission and highlight what I believe is a homegrown underrated gem – Cityluxe.
Cityluxe – Chatting with Wing
Previously, I’ve reviewed a couple of stationery items from Cityluxe – you can read the article here. I also wrote a listicle on affordable fountain pens last week (all of which you can purchase from Cityluxe), which can be read here. However, Cityluxe offers much more than simply fountain pens. They aim to be a one-stop shop for all things related to journaling and stock a wide variety of inks and notebooks as well. I sat down with Wing – the co-founder of Cityluxe – to chat and film a video about some of the inks and notebooks that they carry. If you’re an individual who prefers the analogue lifestyle, this is a video that you will be interested in watching!
For those interested, you can use the promo code “WAHSOSHIOK10” to enjoy 10% off all purchases from Cityluxe.
View Cityluxe’s web-store here.
Cityluxe’s physical showroom address: 12 Little Road, #05-02 Singapore 536986 (Free Visitor parking)
P.S Do check out the new “Discounts!” page for exclusive discounts for Wah So Shiok readers! More brands will be added very soon – stay tuned!
P.S.S If you haven’t already, do follow my social media channels on Facebook here, and on Instagram here!
P.S.S.S Shiok is a common word Singaporeans use to express admiration or approval. As of 2016, you can find the definition of the word in the Oxford English Dictionary.